L-ACOUSTICS SPEAKERS KARA II New generation of paint Sold only in...
MIDAS VERONA 400 ANALOG CONSOLE 32 mono channels and 08 x stereo...
CHAMSYS - Console MQ80 Light console 48 Univers direct DMX Delivered...
SENNHEISER FULL KIT EM9046 including: - 03 x Sennheiser EM9046...
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SIMPLE HIPPOTIZER - MEDIA SE RVE R BOREAL V4SINGLE RACK VERSION i7 8gb ram windows 82 SDI inputs 4 DVI HD outputs for media + 2 x DVI HD Monitoring. XLR sound input and output Comes complete with solo rack Revised and checked
DOUBLE HIPPOTIZER - MEDIA SERVER BOREAL V4 DUAL RACK VERSION i7 8gb ram windows 8 2 SDI inputs 4 DVI HD outputs for media + 2 x DVI HD Monitoring. XLR sound input and output Comes complete with rack Revised and checked